LMS Development Company – Expert Moodle Developers Forums Plugin Purchases submitted, but user not enrolled

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    Hi, we received word from two users recently who stated they submitted purchases and have received receipts, but they are not getting enrolled into their courses. I verified on Stripe that we received the payments. We haven’t made any recent changes. I double checked our API keys to make sure they haven’t expired. Is there something else I should check? Thanks.


    Hi Dan, thanks for getting in touch with us over here.

    Can you please provide us one small information, which version of Moodle are you running on your end, so we can assist you further.


    Hi, thanks for getting back to me. We’re on 4.4+, Build: 20240516. Thanks.


    Hi @papahepcat, we are not able to recreate the issue on our end with Moodle 4.4

    Will it be possible for you to create staging site and share the admin, ftp access of this site. So we can debug this issue.
    While sharing the access, don’t forget to mark the response as private.


    Hi. I think I found part of the issue. I was double checking settings and found that my token was missing. I created a new one and saved that in the plugin settings. Purchases now result in enrollment.
    But I’m now finding that when testing and I submit a purchase, I don’t get redirected to the course page when purchase is complete. After clicking the final button to complete a purchase, the page loads for a very long time then get redirected to the Moodle homepage. Coupons work as expected, though the same redirect issue occurs if I use a 100% off coupon and click “Enrol Now” (instead of purchase). When going back to the course, though, I’m enrolled.
    I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the plugin, creating a new token, rolling the publishable key and creating a new secret key in Stripe, but results are the same.


    Hi , sorry for this delay. Somehow we have missed your mail.

    Regarding this issue “But I’m now finding that when testing and I submit a purchase, I don’t get redirected to the course page when purchase is complete. After clicking the final button to complete a purchase, the page loads for a very long time then get redirected to the Moodle homepage”, is this a general flow you are getting or this issue is only with coupon?

    Also, will it be possible for your to share a admin access so we can debug this on your end.


    Hi, I was seeing this with every purchase, regardless if I’m using a coupon or not.

    I tested again just now, though, and everything seems to be functioning normally. I’m not sure what might have changed, but I guess I’m good for now. Thanks.


    @papahepcat, Thank you for the update. We are glad to hear that everything seems to be functioning normally now. If you encounter any further issues or need assistance in the future, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

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